CCS Merchandise

Click here to access our Spirit Shop. Please see these examples before ordering to know which logo placement to choose!

CCS Sweaters and Hoodies may be worn any day but Wednesdays (Chapel Dress). T-Shirts and Long Sleeves can be worn for Field Trips, PE (5-12 grades) and Dress Down Fridays (L&R Campus).

*Black sweatpants can be worn only for P.E.


Student Directory

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March 25 Grammar School Speech Meet

March 27 Logic/Rhetoric Speech Meet

March 28 Speech Meet Party

April 2 Speech Meet Awards

Speech Meet

The 9th Annual Speech Meet is here!
Parent Letter for Speech Meet

Grades 1-11 will participate in the annual speech meet.

Students are given 9 weeks to memorize their selection and prepare their recitation to present to their peers, parents and a panel of judges. Each grade is given a suggested word count, which is only a guide. Students are encouraged to choose something they really enjoy, as that will help them better memorize their speech.

Student Progress Benchmarks for Speech Meet (Teachers may adjust the following dates to fit their students’ needs, so please use teacher dates if they differ from these): 

Logic & Rhetoric Deadlines

January 29 Selection Forms Due

7th/8th Recitations

February 20 1st Third Memorized

March 3 2nd Third Memorized

March 20 Final Third Memorized

9th/10th Recitations

February 20 1st Third Memorized

March 6 2nd Third Memorized

March 20 Final Third Memorized

11th Grade Recitations

February 20 1st Third Memorized

March 5 2nd Third Memorized

March 19 Final Third Memorized

Grammar School Deadlines

January 29 Selection Forms Due

February 7 1st Quarter Memorized

February 14 2nd Quarter Memorized

February 21 3rd Quarter Memorized

March 7 4th Quarter Memorized

…continued practice until Speech Meet.

Field Trip Info

Washington D.C.

Raleigh, NC