CCS Merchandise

Click here to access our Spirit Shop. Please see these examples before ordering to know which logo placement to choose!

CCS Sweaters and Hoodies may be worn any day but Wednesdays (Chapel Dress). T-Shirts and Long Sleeves can be worn for Field Trips, PE (5-12 grades) and Dress Down Fridays (L&R Campus).

*Black sweatpants can be worn only for P.E.


Student Directory

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March 25 Grammar School Speech Meet

March 27 Logic/Rhetoric Speech Meet

March 28 Speech Meet Party

April 2 Speech Meet Awards

Speech Meet

The 9th Annual Speech Meet is here!
Parent Letter for Speech Meet

Grades 1-11 will participate in the annual speech meet.
2025 Speech Meet Performance Schedule

We are so excited for our upcoming 9th Annual Speech Meet!  This is a wonderful opportunity for our kids to sharpen their public speaking skills.  This year’s event will be March 25 (Grammar School) and March 27 (Logic and Rhetoric Schools).  We are excited to invite families (no small children, please) for attendance.  Chapel Dress Uniforms are required.  We are allowing one parent/guardian from each family to film their child discreetly.
*Please Note- these times are subject to change and while we will do our best to accommodate this schedule, it is possible that we will be running ahead or behind at any given time due to the nature of this event. Please plan to arrive a little earlier than scheduled and prepared to stay longer for your grade level in case there are schedule changes. 

There will only be car line dismissal on March 25 & 27!  No back door pick up. On March 27 Logic & Rhetoric will be dropped off at Redeemer Sanctuary, and picked up at the Grammar playground (or the sanctuary if weather is poor).  

March  27, 2025-Logic/Rhetoric

8:30 Logic- 7th first, approx 1 hr 15 min per grade

11:15-12:00 lunch

12:10-3 Rhetoric, 9-12 in grade order, approx 40 min per grade

March 25, 2025-Grammar

8:40 Kindergarten recitation and 1st grade performances

9:25  2nd grade 

10:15 3rd grade

11:05 4th grade

12-12:45 lunch

1:00  5th 

2:00 6th (will go til 3pm)

Field Trip Info